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Iphone 6s review/ Worth upgrading?

The Iphone 6S is a great smartphone to show the technological advancement since 2007's first Iphone.

You may believe that the iphone 6s and 6 look extremely identical well that is because the only difference is to the exterior of the phone which is the thickness.Leaving the rest of the dimensions to be he same but there are changes to the internal specs listed above .My opinions are that if you have an iphone 5s or lower it is worth upgrading as then the huge selling point would be screen size.It has pressure sensitive touchscreen but i believe that it should not be selling point in you purchase decision.

To round off this review i believe that the iphone 6s is a great smartphone if you dont have the iphone 6,if you want to see more of the interface tak a look at my ios 9 review.

Hope you enjoy !!
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